How to rent a car in AJ-Rent-A-Car

Here's a guide on how to rent a car through their website. Unfortunately, I'm not paid for writing this guide for them. But for the sake of community and easing those who need rental, here is the guide for it.

1. Go to
2. Luckily, there's English version of it. Not perfect English but understandable.

3. Click login

4. Click membership to register. Read the terms and click agree.

5. Fill in the required fields. You can fill in fake information (driving license number, passport id) first and edit it later when you confirm that you want to book.

6. Login to your account after sign up. Choose the date you want to rent and time. Then click location button.

7. Choose the location to pick up your car (Jeju --> Jeju Airport) and click Type of Car

8. The type of cars selection can be a bad experience as most of the models doesn't have pictures. For those without pictures, you will need to use google translate, google image to check out what car is it. After you select your preferred car, click option selection.

9. This is where you select the CDW and GPS. GPS is free of charge. Recommended to choose the full CDW. CDW = collision damage waiver. Generally, this is a type of insurance that will waive any penalty claims on you if there's an accident on that car (if you select full). Read the terms and conditions properly as this may change from time to time. So, don't conclude what is written here is legally correct. It's just a reference and I won't hold whatsoever liability in this CDW selection.

10. After all is done, click reservation. You will have a booking id sent to your email. You can talk to the customer service via that email in reference with your booking id. 


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